Men’s Biggest Health Concerns

The Cleveland Clinic, a non-profit academic medical center in Ohio, has observed that as men age, their health concerns begin to shift. “Men in their 50s are more concerned about heart disease or ED (erectile dysfunction). Men in their 60s worry more about prostate cancer and their risk for dementia,” says preventive medicine expert Raul…

World Economic Forum: Cancer Rates in Women Rising Fast

This blog focuses on men’s health. However, the World Economic Forum has published a study showing that cancer rates in UK women are rising six times faster than men. That indicates a potential similar trend in other countries, including the U.S. According to Sarah Allinson, Senior Lecturer, Lancaster University, “Cancer is currently more common in…

How to Slow Cognitive Aging

Matthew Solan, Executive Editor of Harvard Men’s Health Watch, has important advice about maintaining your brain health as you age. And it involves more than exercising. Most important is challenging it with new learning and continuous use of your social skills. He quotes Dr. Ipsit Vahia, director of geriatric outpatient services for McLean Hospital, who…

Expert Tips for Curing Lower Back Ache

A recent New York Times article interviewed Dr. James Weinstein, a back pain specialist and chief executive of Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health System, and other experts regarding the best ways to ease lower back pain. The piece coincided with the publication of new guidelines from the American College of Physicians recommending alternative therapies like exercise, acupuncture, massage…

How to Minimize Risk of Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Alzheimer’s disease is the sixth-leading cause of death in the United States and the only cause of death among the top 10 in the United States that cannot be prevented, cured or slowed. The Alzheimer’s Association is involved in many studies exploring the influence of exercise, diet, social and mental stimulation, and other factors in…